With our focus on sustainability and providing a comprehensive set of after-life services in our ever-changing world, our team at Heritage Gardens is always looking ahead to the future. Here we want to share aspects of our five-year plan and how we plan to evolve for the families we serve.
One part of the plan is to further develop the overall infrastructure of the grounds. This will include two gazebos and expanded gathering spaces introduced to the existing layout. Our dream is for Heritage Gardens to be a place where families are able to enjoy time together while celebrating their loved ones’ memories, so we want to make sure there is ample space to gather.
We love our open space, but we also understand the need for privacy. While we will maintain an open concept, we will be planting hedges in certain areas in order to allow families the private moments they need.
Our grounds have inherent flexibility to them and the main reason we chose this location was for how it can grow to suit the different needs of our community. Our Willow Cremation Garden is one area that is growing already. Currently, we offer traditional methods of interment for cremated remains in urns with in-lawn plots or our niche wall. Moving forward, we will be offering people the option of celebrating their loved ones with trees and other plants that will be a part of our expanding garden.
Another benefit of the grounds’ versatility is our ability to accommodate the needs and parameters for burial across multiple faiths and religious practices. We want to respect and provide care for anyone and their varied burial needs. This means not only providing a variety of different interment options but also providing the necessary distancing and separation for people of specific faiths. Our tailored landscape allows us to customize our services to different communities in the Lower Mainland.
We will always work to include any creative or new ways that you wish to commemorate your loved ones. At Heritage Gardens, we are fortunate to have a large amount of space that we can reserve for future opportunities. Like any industry, cemetery services are evolving rapidly in the modern age and we have the space to make sure our families have access to the newest developments.
That is a short snapshot of where we will be in five years. Whatever the future may hold, we are committed to bringing you and your family access to all innovations and changes in after-life care now and for generations to come.